

Friday, July 16, 2010

Ravenwood Radio

Hey peoplz I have a question... How many people here watch Ravenwood Radio? I hae seen 3 shows(18,19,and 20) and definetly recommend watching this. If you have free time when a show is going on then go to there website and click listen live... Also when you get there remember to call Leesha the Overlord... I will try and write on here when there next show is once i find out :)

Friday, July 9, 2010


Maybe i didnt know what necromancer was when i made this lol but i am fire so... will look it up


Finally Wizard101 would let me on but that tower in Marleybone would be easier if people would stop fleeing :( .... i will try the tower another time... but just wanted to say my grandmaster tips will be worked on tomorrow so... will do that... Also August 19th is my b-day so if you want to meet me on wiz101 then it is august 19th, fire tower, vampire realm, 4pm-6pm EASTERN TIME if you are central time then it is 3-5.. HOPE TO SEE ALOT  OF PEOPLE THERE



Thursday, July 8, 2010

My Reason for this blog

I have finally done part of my reason for this blog by posting some secrets of wizard101 YAY (if you were me you wouldnt say yay cause it took forever) but wnt you guys to look at that... also more things are expected

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Fallon MoonGem

Thx to Fallon MoonGem I learned that you can earn a Skeletal Pirate from Viktor Snowcrusher.... I thought it was amazing cause i had always wanted one... so i went to victor and guess what... NO PET FOR 2 HOURS... me and Stephen Spiritcaller must have the same bad luck :)... Cause I tried for the crabbling from the crazed forest guy and NOTHING FOR 4 HOURS... I mean does wizard101 think we will sit there for 2-6 hours for a pet (i would lol)... well any way go check that out and will post tomorrow.. (if i dont forget..for some reason i forgot to port a lot this week.... still working on posting my secret places to get pets) Oh also Stephen if you are reading this I need more people to see the blog lol... But i was surprised when some people on wizard101 was calling me The Fun But Deadly Necromacer lol... So i guess that is my new nickname on wizard101 lol :) Also stephen will be at your next ravenwood radio show but will be named the fun but deadly necromancer

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Ok people well really only Stephen so far... I have found out how to download hypercam but the only problem is how to use it lol.. once i find out i will be putting videos on here if i can lol

Monday, July 5, 2010


If anybody here knows how to download hypercam.... you know the thing were u can record yourself playing wizard101... email me at


*Sigh* No one has sent any email to my question also I only have two followers.... Stephan Spiritcaller and me :(

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Hey guys

Hey guys sorry havent had time to post and secrets or cheats to wiz101..... been a little busy. But I have a question to you. Out of the three new schools coming out (Sun, Lunar, and Moon) which one sounds like it would have the best spells or will be more likely to be the most famous school? To send me your opinion send and email titled Fun But Deadly Necromancer. And send it to send your opinions by the next time i post... 

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Pics of wizard101

Here look at some pics i took on Wizard101 so far.....!/photo.php?pid=419495&id=100000113552204 (more to come)

Hello People Of Wizard101 Ans Fellow Earthlings

Hello people thanks to Stephen Spiritcaller (Ruler of the world, lol) I have created a blog that I will share some secrets of Wizard101 like:Wear you can win good gear, Wear to win awesome pets, News on Celestia(till it comes out,also i give credit to Ravenwood Radio for some news), Also secret shops and secret regent venders.... So I will be working on this for a while